Impulse Space is revolutionizing space infrastructure by addressing the challenge of efficiently moving payloads into higher energy orbits.
Redondo Beach, CA, USA
Founded in

Company Overview

Although access to space has increased due to declining launch costs, transferring between orbits remains a significant hurdle. Impulse Space aims to change this with their game-changing infrastructure to enable nimble and cost-effective access to any orbit. Their breakthrough comes in the form of orbital maneuvering vehicles designed specifically for rapid and reliable last-mile payload delivery. These vehicles possess the remarkable ability to deliver multiple payloads to unique orbits with just a single launch.

Thesis Fit

Within the Logistics sector, the demand for orbital transfer vehicles has been rapidly increasing, as they play a crucial role in facilitating various satellite-related tasks such as last mile delivery, repositioning, and servicing. While recognizing the growing demand, we had struggled to find a high-quality team and our search eventually led us to Impulse Space. We were immediately impressed by the founder’s expertise and the team’s capabilities. With a proven track record at SpaceX, the founder not only demonstrates their technical prowess but also aligns with another important investment theme of backing talent from SpaceX, which continues to be a key focus for our fund.